Functionalities that you need

Control the times and temperatures of each elaboration

Automate the retherming process and control times.

Control de tiempo y temperatura de alimentos

Generate identification labels 🔖

Each bag is individually identified throughout the process, as well as its ingredients, cooking parameters and expiration date.


Genera etiquetas para alimentos

Centralize the elaboration information of each product🍽️

Define the elaboration processes of a product:







Centraliza las elaboraciones

Make the product information public 📱

Allows the information related to the product to be visible when scanning the labels with a mobile.

Haz pública la información de tus productos (2)

Associate each product to the corresponding location 📍

If you have more than one restaurant, this allows you to centrally identify recipes and equipment.


Centraliza los productos y dispositivos

Want a DEMO?

Book a DEMO and we will solve all your doubts.

Take your SmartVide to the next level

Create SmartVide programs and add additional controls such as pasteurization.

Print smart QR labels

Organize your food production and maintain traceability by product.

Ensure pasteurization

Ensure the pasteurization of your preparations with the control based on the FSIS tables.

Compatible with the Sammic SmartVides

Get the most out of your Sammic equipment by combining it with the latest technology.