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💧 JANBY Track MINI in the SAMMIC SmartVide X/XL

JANBY Track MINI enables Controlled Regeneration by scanning JANBY Tags in SAMMIC SmartVide X / XL

JANBY Track MINI is an exclusive JANBY feature for the SAMMIC SmartVide X / XL that enables Controlled Retherming using JANBY Tags.

Using JANBY Tags in the SmartVide solves the main problem when cooking or regenerating several products simultaneously. Which bag went in first? When should I remove each of the bags?

For these scenarios, there is the Controlled Retherming section in the SmartVide X / XL.

It allows you to save 8 retherming programs, one for each color, indicating the time and temperature at which that product should be cooked. Each program allows you to configure the name, color, time and reference temperature. The water temperature must be adjusted manually on the SmartVide X, but when cooking one of these 8 programs, if the water temperature does not match the temperature indicated in the program, the SmartVide X will issue a warning to the operator.

The colors of each program match the JANBY Tags. These programs will be "launched" when a JANBY Tag has been scanned on the left side of the SmartVide X.

The Controlled Retherming section then serves to have an overview of the progress of each tag and therefore of the bags associated with that tag.

  • The left column shows the color and number of the tag that is in the water.
  • The center column shows the time remaining.
  • The right column shows the tags that are ready to be removed from the bath.

Once the set time for a program has elapsed, the SmartVide X / XL will issue a notification indicating the end of the cycle and that it is time to remove the bag by scanning the Label displayed on the screen again.

Finally, the Cooking Log section displays all the information relating to the different preparations: water temperature, probe temperature, cycle duration and alerts. The cooking log can be sent by email and is kept on the appliance for 3 months.

How to activate the JANBY Mini License?

  1. Go to JANBY Cloud activation screen in your SmartVide XL. This menu is shown when first configuring your SmartVide XL or by clicking the Top Settings icon of the main screen > Janby Cloud.
  2. Write your E-mail and SmartVide Activation Code. Enter the email address you want to use for storing your Recipes, the SmartVide's activation code (this is the XXXXX-XXXXX letter and numbres code located on the back of the SmartVide) and your company's name.
  3. You're ready! You can use Controlled Retherming! A Janby Cloud account will be created for your email and controller retherming will be active in the SmartVide.