To have full traceability, scan and automatically cook products, you must first register your food productions and print labels for them. You can register productions from all of our systems.
To have full traceability, scan and automatically cook products with our apps, you must first register your food productions and print labels for them. You can register productions from all of our systems.
Create productions in JANBY Track tablet
Within the tablet and in the Track app
1- Head to Labels & Batches and hit the + button at the right bottom corner and select the Create batch and labels option.
2- Select the product
3- Select the packaging/batching format in which the product is packed (if you pack in different formats)
4- Finally set the product amount for your production
Hit the Create Batch and Labels button to register the new production. After, you will be prompted to another window to perform additional options on the just created batch:
This screen will show in a left column all the production belonging to the batch. Additionally it allows:
- Adding more production. If after cooking you find out that there is more product than expected, you can add more production to this batch.
- Generate a single label that represents all the batch. You may want to just print a single label to be stick in a box that contains all the bags in it. You can click on the Single label representing the entire batch to convert all labels into just one.
- Print the labels that are shown on the left column. If the column shows all the individual labels, clicking the print button witll print all of them. On the contrary, if having converted all labels into just a single batch label, clicking the print button will only print said label. If you have trouble with the printer, visit our configuration and printer troubleshooting guide for assistance.
Create productions in JANBY Cloud
Head to Production > Batches section and hit the + Batch button at the right top corner.
This will open the Create batch window for you to select the product, packaging format and production amount you are going to register:
Select the product
Select the packaging/batching format in which the product is packed, to know its consumption unit
Finally set the product amount for your production
Servings, label amounts, expiration and best before dates are automatically calculated according to the packaging format selected. You can change any of those and data will be recalculated.